How do I start if I’ve never worked with an advisor before?

Interview several to find the right fit (just make sure in advance that they are fiduciaries). Money is a very personal topic and you want to be comfortable with whomever you choose to work with. The CFP website has a checklist for interviewing a financial planner. Here are OAM’s answers.

What is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA)?

A Registered Investment Advisor is a financial company that provides its clients with comprehensive financial advice, beyond simply investments. RIAs have a fiduciary duty to act in their client’s financial best interest.

Does OAM take possession of my assets?

No we don’t. Your accounts are held at a third party custodian that provides independent back-office services. This includes monthly statements, tax documents and confirms, 24/7 web access, etc. The accounts are in your name only, with funds only allowed to be sent directly to the account holder. Additionally, we offer investment services on a non-discretionary basis, which means we obtain your consent prior to executing any trades in your accounts.

Are 401(k) accounts considered as part of my plan?

Yes. In many instances they could be the largest component.

How do I find out more about your firm?

FINRA is an independent, non-governmental regulator for all securities firms doing business with the public in the United States. They are authorized by Congress to protect America’s investors by making sure the securities industry operates fairly and honestly. You can go to their site here to look up any advisor or their firm. RIA’s are also required to provide every client with form ADV, which is essentially a standardized brochure of how an advisory firm manages their business. Ours is here.

Do you work with my accountant or attorney?

Yes, it’s quite common, and optimal, to have everyone on the same page.

Who would be the best fit for our services?

The majority of our clients are age 50 and above whose main concerns are paying for their kid’s education, and having enough left over to fund their retirement.